My favorite was the valentine hearts! I saw them on pinterest and quickly pinned them to my Valentine board. The idea is from The Peanut Paintshop. And what a great idea it is!
This is something you can do at home. First, get large hearts from your nearest Hobby Lobby. (If they don't have enough, you can place an order. For the craft night I ordered 50!) They are around $1.50. I checked Micheal's, but sadly they don't carry them. Second, choose your paint colors. I opened up a pack of conversation hearts in the store to try my best at matching the colors. Third, paint your hearts and let them dry. Fourth, put on your vinyl names. You could also use letter stickers from any craft store. Fifth, use your trusty hot glue gun to adhere ribbon to the backs of the hearts. ( I found this cute polka dot ribbon at Micheal's and at Walmart.)
For the top, I tied a knot, trimmed the edges, and then singed them with a lighter so they wouldn't fray. Lastly, hang and admire!
Check out one of my friends' conversation hearts seen on her new blog Creative Preschool Resources.
I am linking up at Whipperberry and Every Creative Endeavor.
And...Tatertots and Jello